Wasted! Film Screening and Panel Discussion

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40% of the food in America is Wasted. A new documentary by Anthony Bourdain, WASTED: The Story of Food Waste aims to change the way people buy, cook, recycle, and eat food. Through the eyes of chef-heroes like Bourdain, Dan Barber, Mario Batali, Massimo Bottura, and Danny Bowien, WASTED! exposes the criminality of food waste and shows us how each of us can make small changes – all of them delicious – to make the most of every kind of food.

Join the UC Master Food Preservers and the San Mateo Office of Sustainability for a screening of this acclaimed film. We'll follow the film with an interactive panel discussion with members of the food community from around the Bay Area, including researchers, nonprofits, and city government.

Date: August 04, 2019 2:00 PM-4:00 PM

Location: San Carlos Public Library | 610 Elm Street , San Carlos


The event is free and open to all ages; no advance sign-up is required!

Event website: cesanmateo.ucanr.edu

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610 Elm Street
San Carlos